Cycling's Tour of Britain whizzes past my house!

By Inigo 6RS
On Saturday 7 September I woke up to find some traffic cones on the street outside. Cycling’s ‘Tour of Britain’ was coming right past our house! At about 11:30 in the morning a stream of police cars and bikes with their blue lights flashing and horns blasting came past, followed by Team cars loaded with bikes on top. There were at least 100 vehicles. Shortly afterwards the lead group of 3 cyclists came whizzing past in a breakaway group - they had taken the lead in the first 15 minutes.
Two minutes later the main group (the Peleton) came speeding by in a much bigger group trying to catch them. For me watching it was over, often in blurry flashes, in about 5 exciting minutes. I watched the rest of the stage on TV and it was great to see them cycling at high speed on the roads near our home in Northamptonshire.
The stage lasted about 4 hours; unfortunately the lead group was caught in the last few seconds, but they had tried really hard.
Tomorrow I plan to get on my bike.