Message from Mr Hymer: 18 March 2022

It has been a frustrating week of working from home after testing positive for Covid. The timing of my absence was all the more disappointing as I was unable to watch the Year 4 production. By all accounts it was full of bright costumes, dancing, singing and even a bit of rapping. I was told that the play really did transport everyone to a galaxy far, far away in the spacecraft, The Millennium Penguin (which even has cup holders!).
During the dress rehearsal, the boys had the rest of the school transfixed with the performance; they were dancing in their seats, laughing (in some cases almost uncontrollably) at some of the really terrible puns and, without a doubt, ‘The Sauce’ was definitely with them for the rest of the day!
I am sure that many of the boys will remember the play for many years to come. Together with our concerts, sports days and residential visits, these are the events they will remember from their days in the Junior School.
Whilst there is inevitably a sacrifice to be made in terms of time away from the classroom, the benefits of working as a team to produce the very best performance possible is time well spent. The experience and confidence the boys can take from this performance will remain with them.
As always, our thanks must go to the wonderful staff team that makes productions like these possible. I have the utmost respect for those brave enough to take on directing both acting and musical performance. I am sure Miss Walton and Miss Sharp will sleep better tonight knowing that a successful performance is now done. Many thanks also to Miss Pinson, Mrs Kruze and Mrs Goodrem for all their support. Equally, many thanks to Mrs Tedstone-Kerby for all her wonderful props and scenery.