Christmas is launched in style with the Junior School Christmas Concert!

On Thursday, 30 November, we held our Christmas Concert in Warwick Hall.
The concert was a sparkling showcase of the musical talent of the Junior School, with boys from Years 3 to 6 demonstrating their proficiency of a variety of instruments.
During the concert, a huge variety of music was played by the boys, including Dies Irae from Verdi’s Requiem, which was performed by the Orchestra and the Micro Choir. The winners of the Rap Battle from earlier in the term also had the chance to perform their song!
Colourful Christmas hats and tinsel adorned the instruments, all adding to the glitter and ‘feel good’ glow of the afternoon. The concert ended with the whole school singing together a rousing rendition of ‘Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree’ and a huge applause for all the performers.
Bravo WJS boys!
For more photos of the concert follow the Junior School on social media!
Instagram: @warwickjuniorschool
Twitter: @Warwick_Juniors