Message from Mr Hymer: 25 November 2022

No doubt our Year 6 boys are feeling glad to have finished the entrance exam. We were delighted to discover that a record number had been called for scholarship interview and to attend the scholarship day when the boys are put through their paces by the Senior School's academic departments. The boys' success is testament to all the high-quality teaching over the last four years. We look forward to hearing from the Senior School when scholarships for September are announced.
Listening to the radio this morning whilst driving in, it was a welcome surprise to hear about a potential breakthrough in the flu vaccine. Whilst yet to proceed to human trials, the signs are positive that a vaccine has been developed to cover all 20 different subtypes of influenza A and B. Newspapers and media channels are rarely full of good news, thus the pleasant surprise to hear something that could make such a positive difference to so many.
Schools are by nature optimistic places and spending time in the classroom can be a welcome change from many of the challenges life brings. With so many staff away poorly, this has been a tricky week for all staff in school. With lessons to cover, I found myself back in the classroom for a number of lessons. I must admit that I enjoyed spending time with the boys. When you pose questions, you never quite know what answers you might receive. The boys' knowledge and perspective on life can also surprise you. On a dark November morning, the way boys come to school full of energy and enthusiasm helps remind us all how fortunate we are to work within such a positive learning community.
Next week we look forward to our Christmas Concert. Last year, Covid denied us both our concert and carol service. We look forward to welcoming parents and families to both uplifting events.