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Mr Bond’s Week in Review – 6 October 2023

On 2nd October 1869, Mahatma Gandhi was born in Porbandar, India. In assembly this week, the boys reflected on his life, learning about how he protested for Indian Independence and racial equality through peaceful means. I left the boys to think about one of Gandhi’s quotes: 

“Be the change you want to see in the world.” 

I challenged the boys to set the example and be pro-active in making positive changes for themselves and those around them over the upcoming week.

Congratulations should be offered to all those boys who attended the Open Morning last Saturday. The tour guides certainly led by example, talking to prospective parents with confidence. They listened with consideration and represented the school fantastically well. Our visitors were full of praise for the boys, including those boys who gave up their time to come and help in the classrooms. Thank you, boys! 

This week, the boys have competed in a range of rugby fixtures and it was great to attend the U10 home game against Blue Coat on Monday afternoon. I witnessed some skilful rugby but also supportive teamwork and a game played in a positive spirit - a pleasure to see. 

Earlier this week, Year 3 and 4 had their second Parents’ Evenings and yesterday, Mr Wurr, our Head of Maths, led a very informative presentation on Maths in the Junior School. The presentation was very well attended and I hope parents found the session useful.  

Next week, Year 5 and 6 will have their first Parents’ Evening of the academic year and Miss Walton will be leading a parent presentation on reading.  This will be a very valuable session outlining how best you can support your son’s reading at home.  If you have any questions about either of these events, please don’t hesitate to contact the school office. 

With best wishes for the upcoming weekend, 

John Bond