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Mr Bond's Week in Review - 15 September 2023

Dear Parents,

In the first assembly of term, I discussed with the boys how starting a new school year – and even a new school – can lead to a whole range of emotions.

Like Nemo in ‘Finding Nemo’ the boys could see how starting school can be exciting. They might be looking forward to new opportunities and experiences. Some will be keen to meet up with old friends and also make some new ones. There will be boys desperate to get back on the rugby pitch or audition for the choir, whilst others will be anticipating their next Science or Art lesson. Others will be excited about the new playground.

However, when we start something new, we can also feel nervous – even as an adult. The boys saw how ‘Cookie Monster’ from the Muppets was worried about his first day of school and his surprise that everyone around him also had their worries or concerns. The importance of asking for help and supporting each other was a key message and it was wonderful to hear so many of the boys describe how their friends had helped them over the first few days of term if they needed help or reassurance.

A huge congratulations to the boys who have been appointed as Prefects or House Officials at the start of this term. I look forward to meeting with them over the coming weeks to discuss how they can support the school community.

Thank you all for your support of your sons as they start the new school year. It has been lovely to meet so many parents at the front gate, at the Year 3 BBQ last week or the Meet the Teachers evening.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with the school – my door is always open.

I wish you all a relaxing weekend.

John Bond, Headmaster