When You Love Someone

Speech Days are a highlight of the year, but this year was very special.
Our Guest of Honour, James TW was an instant hit with the boys. Looking at the boys' faces as he spoke, they were totally engaged with his every word.
James told the boys about his career to date and the milestones along the way. He described the period in his late teens when despite his best efforts, the record companies were positive but not forthcoming with a contract. As with many break-through moments, the call came out of the blue when he was first contacted by Shawn Mendes and then introduced to Island Records.
I was slightly concerned when James revealed to the boys that his passions at school fell squarely on rugby, music and video games. Furthermore, he attributed much of his successful learning to watching videos on You Tube. However, his message of following a passion and keeping true to goals struck a chord with us all. His final message was to encourage the boys to try something new and seek new challenges. James finished by playing one of his signature tunes ' When You Love Someone'.