Message from Mr Hymer: 16 Oct 2020

No doubt all the boys coming into school for the Aquathlon thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Mr Burchett and Mr McWhirter deserve a huge vote of thanks for all their excellent organisation.
A number of boys had either taken part in similar events in the past or had been well prepped by their parents. The transition areas looked like we were hosting an international event with towels, trainers and t-shirts strategically placed to shave a few seconds. A number of boys confided that they they had used bathtime as an opportunity to practise jumping into their running kit!
All the boys received a certificate with their time recorded. Boys achieving top three spots in each year group were awarded a medal (see above).
Given that parents have not been able to attend sporting events this term, it was good to see so many staying to watch the race from the car park. No doubt many of the boys received an encouraging boost from parents as they approached the finish.
Almost as impressive as the boys' running was the response towards raising money for the two chosen charities. Our Year 6 prefects decided to raise funds for two charities - Kissing it Better and Guide Dogs for the Blind. We will be sending cheques for almost £750 to each of the charities.
After such a successful first running of the event, we will look to make this an annual fixture in the calendar.
Mr Hymer, Headmaster