Message from Mr Hymer: 15 January 2021

Tomorrow our Year 6 boys will be sitting their entrance exams for the Senior School. In this strange new world, staff from both the Senior and Junior School will be sitting remotely whilst watching a small group of boys tackling their exam.
Our boys will have each received an envelope to be opened in front of the invigilator. They will complete each exam in turn and then place their scripts in a secure envelope.
No doubt the experience we have faced in schools has been mirrored in different services and industries around the country. We have all been required to think nimbly around a problem and to seek solutions. Relatively straightforward tasks in the 'normal' world have taken hours of thinking and planning to implement.
Behind the scenes this week we have been working to make changes to our online learning provision. Staff are looking forward to this change and the chance to engage more with the boys.
Finally, I would like to wish all our Year 6 boys the very best success in the Senior Entrance Exams tomorrow. I know they have all been working hard and I am sure they will do themselves credit. A group of 'lucky' Year 6 boys may find me invigilating in the morning. Good luck to you all!