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Nativity! rehearsals in full swing

The countdown to Christmas officially begins! Wednesday (15 November) marked the latest exciting milestone for our upcoming professional Christmas show – Nativity! the Musical – with the introduction of our professional actors, George Attwell Gerhards, Natalie Turner, Aidan Cutler, Matthew James Hinchliffe, and Anne McCall.

Since September, the three rotating casts of children involved in the show have been practising various choreographed routines and musical hits, anticipating the arrival of the professionals and the beginning of all-cast rehearsals.

Wednesday morning began with the actors running their opening scenes for the first time with Musical Director, Felix, and choreographed phrases with Choreographer, Kath, before working alongside the ‘Team Sparkle’ children in the evening, blocking various scenes. For many of our young company members this would be their first opportunity to work alongside professional actors, so it was an exciting milestone for all involved.

After the success of Wednesday’s rehearsals, we are now eagerly looking forward to the first all cast rehearsal this Sunday. The show will begin to come together with the involvement of the whole team including pros, children and community adults. We greatly anticipate the next couple weeks and watching the show transform as we get closer to opening night.

There are still limited tickets available on our website for some of the 37 performances if you were yet to have purchased them. Best availability: 2pm matinee on either Thursday, 21 or Friday, 22 December.
