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Year 7 Bonding Trip 2023

Just a week after starting their journey at Warwick School the Year 7 pupils were heading of on their first adventure, the bonding trip at Oaker Wood Leisure. The pupils were split into two groups. With one going from Wednesday to Thursday and the other Thursday to Friday. As the first group arrived on the Wednesday morning, with a mountain of bags and plenty of chatter; there was a tangible sense of excitement. The group filed onto the waiting coaches and the trip was underway.

When we arrived, the pupils were shown around their campsite. A series of pods nestled in beautiful woodland, which was home to a variety of activities (and animals). Everyone found their bunk and left their bags before eating a hearty lunch and setting off to the first of five activities.

The pupils had a go at rafting, which proved to be extremely popular. 90% of the pupils chose to test the temperature of the water with a quick swim, including Mrs Browne who looked quite at home. Next up was several, rather intense, games of capture the flag in different areas including a castle, lorry and of course woodland. A network of low ropes provided a challenge for all the pupils. The ropes required skill, balance and crucially team work to progress. Especially the blindfold challenge, where one pupils would guide a blindfolded partner along a course with plenty of obstacles, including Mr Etheridge pretending to be a tree, a cow and a swarm of bees.

After what many would imagine had been a totally exhausting day the pupils still seemed to have boundless energy and enthusiasm. Luckily, a hearty dinner had been prepared and was enjoyed by all. Then came the evening entertainment with pupils split into teams and participating in a series of games and challenges. With the pupils' energy reserves showing the first signs of depleting we gathered around the firepit for a campfire, story, marshmallows, and a cup of hot chocolate. One camp also enjoyed a session of bat watching, led by Mrs Wilson. It was then time for bed. The day had clearly been a success when the pupils requiring very little encouragement to turn the lights off and get some rest!

When morning broke, everyone was up bright and early for breakfast and the final activities. These were team building puzzles. We all ate lunch, loaded up the coaches and returned to school. The atmosphere on the bus had changed completely from loud excitement to silence with intermittent snoring. Ultimately, the bonding trip had accomplished exactly what it was supposed to, the pupils had bonded, made new friends, shared experiences and memories and were clearly more comfortable around each other. A special thanks to the staff, Year 7 tutors, prefects and Oaker Wood for a wonderful trip. We hope the pupils got to know each other a bit better and made plenty of memories for their first year at Warwick.