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Snow and adverse weather information for parents – January 2022

The school will remain open if it is safe to do so; the decision being taken across the Foundation.  Notification about whether the school is open or closed will be made to all staff and parents as soon as possible on the day in question and normally by 7.00am via text message and messages posted on the school website.


If your child is unable to come into school due to the poor weather, there is no need to telephone the school to inform us of this.  Instead of a phone call, please complete an "Unexpected Absence Notification" form on the Parent Portal.


Appropriate clothing should be worn to and from school. School uniform should still be worn and if necessary footwear changed for inside use.

Transportation by Bus

All routes will operate as normal unless the weather is so severe that it is not possible to run a normal service.

Parents of boys travelling by bus will be notified of any changes to arrangements or cancellations through the KURA app. All routes will operate as normal unless the weather is so severe that the Snow Plan is implemented (or that the schools decide to close).

The school day

Where possible, the timetable for the day will continue as normal. If it proves necessary some measures may be necessary such as combining classes. Remote lessons will only be instigated in the case of a school closure.   Parents should only collect pupils early if their local weather conditions suggest that it may be difficult to leave collection to the normal time.  It is very likely that on a day of such major disruption, there will be limited (if any) after-school provision.

School closure during the day

Where weather conditions deteriorate during the school day and the safest option for all is an early school closure, information will be communicated to parents as soon as possible. 

Parents should endeavour to make arrangements to collect their child from school as soon as possible, but at the latest, by the time given that the school will close. A central location will be designated for collection, usually the Warwick Hall.

Parents of children who use the School Bus Service should receive a text message from WISF Transport updating them with respect to their child’s bus route together with information on the transport website.

School closure remote provision

If the school has to close for one day due to bad weather then work will be set for the examination year groups (Year 10 - Upper Sixth) for lessons taught on that day, although it is understood that it may not be possible to complete this on the day set if, for example, folders/textbooks are in school.

For Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9 pupils work would not normally be set for a one-day closure. There are some suggestions for reinforcement work in core subjects listed in the Academic Information Booklet for Parents on page 23 (sent in September) and posted on MySchool Portal should parents wish for their son to do some work. If the school has to close for a second or third consecutive day due to bad weather, then lessons will be taught remotely where possible and/or work will be set through Microsoft TEAMS.

Whilst we hope that we will not be required to action the plan, we thank you in advance for your co-operation.


Yours sincerely,

Mr James Barker