1. Knowing the Individual
“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You” Dr Seuss
All pupils feel celebrated, regardless of their strengths or challenges. The pastoral system creates a sense of belonging and continuity with opportunities for all to play a role. There will be a greater knowledge of boys as individuals.
- A new House structure
- Mixed-Age tutor groups
- Mental health first aid training for staff
- New Pupil Voice system in place
We live in an increasingly complex world. We believe effective citizens need to develop a sense of compassion, contentment and resilience. To nurture these traits, each boy will be known personally so that we can respond to his individual needs.
We will continue to research and integrate some of the best practices in pastoral care from around the world to care for the needs of all pupils within a supportive and nurturing community.
We will ensure that every pupil is known, cared for and celebrated, within an outstanding House system, in which the tutor plays a central role, and we will become a champion of mental wellbeing for boys and staff.
The Christian faith will continue to be at the heart of school life with chapel activities providing guidance for the spiritual needs of pupils; whilst, in today’s multicultural and diverse society, the School continues to respect and support boys of all faiths and beliefs.