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Junior School News

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  • Mr Bond's Week in Review - 15 September 2023

    Published 15/09/23

    Dear Parents,

    In the first assembly of term, I discussed with the boys how starting a new school year – and even a new school – can lead to a whole range of emotions.

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  • Message from Mr Bond: 19 May 2023

    Published 19/05/23

    Monday's assembly this week was led by Ossy in Year 3. Over recent weeks he was inspired to put together a presentation on sharks and the endangered nature of many shark species.

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  • Message from Mr Bond: 12 May 2023

    Published 15/05/23

    Last weekend, I joined many of you in watching the Coronation of King Charles III. It was fascinating to witness such a historical event and I am sure the images will be something your sons look back on in years to come.

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  • Message from Mr Bond: 5 May 2023

    Published 09/05/23

    This week, the boys were focusing on what they could do to help others.

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  • Message from Mr Bond: 21 April 2023

    Published 21/04/23

    It was wonderful to welcome everyone back this week after the Easter holidays. At the start of the week I asked the boys to think about 'differences' and, with a little help from 'Finding Nemo' and the wonder of a rainbow, we considered how working together and valuing each others strengths and interests can make our school community a stronger, more positive place to be. The message of the week was wonderfully summarised by one of our Year 3 boys who wrote: 'A school is like a rainbow - every pupil sticks together like the colours.  Every teacher is like a smile as she inspires young minds.'

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  • Message from Mr Bond: 17 March 2023

    Published 20/03/23

    This week, Scott House held their charity day for the World Wildlife Fund. It is a real strength of the school that each year the houses not only choose their charities - which is never an easy choice when there are so many well deserving causes - but also plan and implement their charity day.

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  • Message from Mr Bond: 10 March 2023

    Published 10/03/23

    At the start of the week, I introduced the new learning strength that the boys will be focusing on at school - communication. In particular we discussed the skill of listening and its vital role in effectively sharing and exchanging information. It is therefore apt that this week involved a number of events where listening was key!

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  • Message from Mr Bond: 3 March 2023

    Published 03/03/23

    Access to books and the encouragement of the habit of reading: these two things are the first and most necessary steps in education and librarians, teachers and parents all over the country know it. It is our children’s right and it is also our best hope, and their best hope, for the future.” Michael Morpurgo

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  • Message from Mr Bond: 17 February 2023

    Published 20/02/23

    In assembly this week, I shared with the boys some details of the life of Galileo who was born on the 15th February 1564.

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  • Message from Mr Bond: 10 February 2023

    Published 17/02/23

    Earlier this week, I took a prospective parent around the school and it was lovely to be able to show off the range of lessons and topics the boys study as part of their extensive curriculum. From cryptography and passwords in Computing, using microscopes in the science lab, developing their knowledge of climate change in Geography and creating Tiki heads in Art, it was evident how much the boys enjoyed their lessons. 

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  • Message from Mr Bond: 3 February 2023

    Published 03/02/23

    Pictured: semi-finalists eSQuires at the Pro Corda Chamber Music Festival - Oscar, Ethan, Dylan, Freddie, Reuben and Harvey

    This week the pupils were asked to consider the meaning of responsibility which will be their learning strength focus over the coming weeks.

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  • Message from Mr Bond: 27 January 2023

    Published 27/01/23

    Pictured: Green Team Photography Competition - Harrison, Alex and James

    In the assembly this week, I asked the boys to think about the importance of the very 'smallest of things'. We looked at the art work of Dalton Ghetti who makes sculptures out of pencil leads.

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